1 April 2009

Weight Loss Wednesday's: Letting yourself loose

Last night was very exciting because my favourite contestant, the one that inspires me, was a guest host last night...and she continues to look awesome!

But one thing bothered me about last night's episode.

Tara, one of the contestants that I can most relate to, let herself loose a competition. She has lost over 105 pounds and has also lost the greatest percentage of weight. She has won so many competitions, even with more obstacles (such as pulling a car with extra weight that the other competitors gave her).

So last night, she decided she was going to give up a 1 pound advantage at the weigh in because she didn't want everyone to target her....she wanted to show that she doesn't win all the competitions and that there are other competitors just as strategic flying under the radar.

I get her point. But I felt that with all her success, she sold herself short by allowing herself to loose.

There is this Kenny Rogers song that goes "you've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em" referring to cards.

But here's the thing. Yes, you have to know when to fold 'em...but if you have a winning hand, why do you have to not play them just to make the other people feel better?

I think I feel upset because I realize that I do that all the time. I give in so that others feel better. At work, with my friends, my family...I don't know when to keep on holding them. I fold all the time...conciously or unconciously.

So if you think about it...why when it comes to weight loss do we let ourselves fail? Why not just try winning even if it pisses others off.

Just a thought...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't watch the show, so I'm essentially just talking out of my ass here, but....

....maybe she sensed others were starting to resent her successes, and, even though she has no reason to be insecure, the big girl in her will always want people to like her, no matter the cost...

Like I said, I don't know her, the show, or the other contestants, so this is all just a complete guess on my part.