7 November 2013

Friday's Top Five: Movies I Have Watched Repeatedly.

Hello faithful readers of five,

This is yet another catch-up post that I was going to originally blog about on October 18th until work interfered with my life, as it is apt to do.

This was a difficult topic to blog about because I had to narrow my choices down to five. I am that person who re-watches movies. I could probably make this a list of 12, and still struggle to narrow it down. I decided to use the "is-it-on-TV-a-lot-and-do-you-stop-every-time-to-watch-it" criteria. I eliminated Labyrinth and Willow primarily because they are never shown on TV. But that still leaves me with 10. Damn it.

To hell with it. It's my blog. So I will present to you my Top 10 movies I have watched repeatedly!

10) Pride & Prejudice (the 1995 BBC Version staring Colin Firth).

It's the movie that started my Austen-mania crazy. It is also the movie that introduced me to Colin Firth, for which I will be forever grateful. It also satisfies my inner-petticoat-fan girl. Plus any movie that showcases the Promenade dancing style is perfect. Simply perfect.

9) Tremors

This movie is hilarious. It is about underground worm-like monsters that try to swallow-up an isolated town. It stars Kevin Bacon and Reba. I could, and have, watched this repeatedly. It's low-budget but high entertainment. We shall never speak of the sequels, but this one is solid gold.

8) The Sandlot

You guys, this is a great movie. I have blogged about my love of this movie before, but I really cannot emphasise how much I love this movie. It is narrated in that nostalgic wonder-years type of format, but it is a great coming-of-age type of movie. It captures that innocent moment of youth that we all long to return to and hope our children experience. It's a baseball movie...but it is so much more than that. Even better if you can watch it on a big screen in the middle of a baseball field, like I did with Joanne and Steve that one perfect summer.

7) You've Got Mail/When Harry Met Sally

I know I am cheating by including two movies into one. But both these movies have two common links:
  • they both star Meg Ryan
  • they both perfectly capture the era of my youth
In WHMS, you have two people who meet at various stages of their life but do not hook up because the timing is not right. Then the timing becomes right, but that means a sacrifice of the safety of a platonic friendship.

In YGM, you have two people who meet on this new-found phenomenon called the internet, with it's dial-up-AOL-chat glory (hilarious in retrospect). In real life, they are "enemies" who become "frenimies" who become "friends" and finally a couple.

Both movies are like peeling back a layer of an onion to get to that magical romantic place.

6) The Breakfast Club

Don't you, forget about me.

Still relevant for today's youth. It's definitely showing it's age, but aren't we all? LOL.

5) Dirty Dancing

Nobody puts Baby in the corner. I watched this movie 100 times with my cousin Samantha and my aunt Shauna. When my cousin and I were younger, we would watch, rewind, watch again, rewind, watch again. And again. And again...

4) James Bond Movies (all of them)

My husband is a big James Bond fan. When I casually admitted last-year that I had never seen a Bond movie, my husband made sure to rectify that situation. So over a period of a few weeks, I watched ever single Bond movie in order that my husband preferred. I have become such a big fan. I engage in the debates over who the best Bond is, what is the best Bond movie, intro, girl, villain and so forth. No wonder this movie franchise will not die. Because it's good, yo!

3) Forrest Gump

This is one of my favourite all-time movies. I love the simplicity against the backdrop of a complex and fascinating history. A classic of our era.

2) A League of Their Own

I mad-love this movie. It is one of those movies that will appear on TV repeatedly every year over the summer. It is about women in baseball, but has depth and emotion. It's great, and has a killer good soundtrack too.

1) Love Actually

This is my husband and mine's favourite movie. We watch it every winter (and sometimes again in the Spring/Summer). We even had our wedding song based from this movie. It is "our" movie. I watch it when I am looking for hope in humanity, or want to spend a romantic evening with my husband. This is my favorite movie of all time. The intro above is food for thought.

Head over to A Warm Cup of Jo, The Brooding Woman and A Piece of Apple to see what they like!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Lots of great choices, Dan!

And it's true that The Sandlot will always remind me of you.