Main Entry: di·vulge
Pronunciation: \də-ˈvəlj, dī-\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): di·vulged; di·vulg·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin divulgare, from dis- + vulgare to make known, from vulgus mob
Date: 15th century
1: to make public : proclaim
2: to make known (as a confidence or secret)
21 February 2013
How I Inadvertently Gave Up Sloth For Lent.
Curse you chowder head! Tempt me not!
My friend Theresa is telling all about these cute sloth pics she puts on her Facebook wall. And I can't see them. Such a fiend. Who knew I would be giving up (looking at) sloth for Lent?
Gah! So cute.
1 comment:
Theresa - The friend who did not give up sloths for Lent :D
1 comment:
My bad... Oopsie :P I luv u really :D
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