30 March 2009

Catch Up Post #3- DILF

Thanks to Joanne's husband Steve, I now have a new lexicon to add to my vocabulary. DILF.

Similar to the MILF, it's when you lust after men old enough to be your father.

So my first official DILF for consideration is ROBERT PATRICK.

Star of The Unit, The X-Files, The Terminator.

He is one hot daddy. Hot. Hot.
Please draw your attention to the strategically placed bulge. Camo can't hide that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh… Robert Patrick. I. Love. Him.

(BTW… re: DILFs -- Finally, we have a label for our mutual obsession that is both so simple and so obvious, and yet it took a man to point out this label to us. This is Steve’s greatest contribution to our friendship, haha.)